Phantom School Vostfr
Phantom School Vostfr
Suivi 18 personnes

Phantom School Vostfr

Regarder drama Phantom School Vostfr, télécharger Phantom School Vostfr vostfr, Phantom School Vostfr VOSTFR, télécharger Phantom School Vostfr vostfr, Regarder Phantom School Vostfr sur MyKdrama Vostfr | Drama Coréen en Streaming Francais.
Status: Ongoing Duration: 30 min. Pays: Type: Drama Episodes: 8 Casts: , , , , Posté by: Stephanie Released on: Updated on:
Regarder en streaming Phantom School Vostfr Vostfr sur MyKdrama Vostfr | Drama Coréen en Streaming Francais. Vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement Phantom School Vostfr VOSTFR, Voir tes dramas préférés en Français Gratuitement, Phantom School Vostfr sur MyKdrama Vostfr | Drama Coréen en Streaming Francais vostfr.

Synopsis Phantom School Vostfr

Nestled quietly in the heart of a buzzing community, there sits a school that to any who might pass it by, appears to be quite normal. However, as is often the case, looks can be quite deceiving. Inhabited by several malicious phantoms, this school plays host to more than its dedicated faculty and lively student body.

While most of the students at this school are largely unaware of the otherworldly beings who exist beside them, some are easily swayed by the phantom’s presence. For those who are easily manipulated by the specters, life has a way of quickly becoming a living nightmare as they’re forced to give in to the evil desires of their ghastly tormentors. But even as some students are swayed by the phantoms, others have taken on the role of a hunter and have accepted the responsibility of fighting against them.

One such hunter, Lee Do Gyeom, has dedicated his life to this task. As a student currently enrolled in this phantom school, it’s up to him to save those afflicted by the evil which haunts its halls. But does he have the strength to take on this malicious force alone?

(Source: Viki)


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